Covid travel information
Covid-19 related travel information for your ski holiday
Updated 2nd April 2022
The UK is moved to the Green list countries for entry to France
Great news almost all restrictions are now dropped for fully vaccinated adults entering France & Switzerland
- No more Passenger locator form to come back to the UK
- No more Swiss entry form
- No more checks in resort for vaccination / Covide pass
- No more complete sworn statement "declaration sur l’honneur"
- If traveling to France directly do complete the EU-PLF
- Do check the validity of your vaccination and passport
For ALL unvaccinated 12 years of age and over in France (see detail below)
- Lateral flow test 48-72 hours before travel
- Complete sworn statement
- 12-18-year-olds can travel through Switzerland if traveling with a vaccinated adult
- No requirement to show the test for access to establishments (excluding hospitals and care homes)
- Requires adults to be vaccinated for entry or transit. See Swiss government sites below for details
We know that travel has become a little more complicated, so we want to help you make it as easy as possible, it will be worth it when you breathe the crisp mountain air and feel the snow under your skis!
We are not experts, but we do want to provide you with an overview, as we see it, of the Covid Travel rules and requirements, of course, these do change and not even government websites are always up to date on the day. Please do check the government sites and the airline websites, there are some useful links below.
Please remember that it is a condition of booking that every person in your group has appropriate insurance which specifically includes covid cover with respect to pre-departure and on-holiday covid illness.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of any Covid Travel requirements relating to your holiday, whether that is in relation to travel to and from the country you are traveling from, including testing requirements, or the requirements whilst in the country you are visiting. We accept no responsibility for the accuracy of this page or for any consequences of the information given.
If you are unable to travel due to government restrictions, this eventuality is covered by our Covid terms Link to Enhanced Covid Booking Conditions
Before you travel
- For France, entry vaccine validity is now 9 months, from the 15th Feb pass vaccinal* validity is 4 months (you will need this for public places), meaning adults must have had at least two doses and their most recent vacation within 9 or 4 months respectively. If you have had your booster vaccine you are fully covered. Make sure your passport is valid
- Adults must have at least 2 vaccinations and have these on your NHS App, we also strongly recommend you print them, it makes things much easier, especially if your phone battery dies.
- If flying to France directly do complete the EU-PLF
- Have suitable insurance with winter sports and Covid cover that cover you should you get ill before or during your holiday
- Fully vaccinated adults no longer need to test on their return to the UK
- Make sure your passport is valid for your stay and at least 3 months after your return, some destinations require 6month validity
Before you return to the UK
- UPDATE - the UK passenger locator form is no longer required from 18th March 2022 onwards.
- Rules for unvaccinated may vary by region and you should check the UK government website
The below links are for official government information, our default position is that the information on these sites are correct and overrides any information we may provide.
GOVERNMENT LINKS - the current legal position
LINK to EU Passenger Locator Form
LINK to UK government advice on entry to Switzerland
LINK to Swiss Government information
LINK to Swiss embassy regarding entry requirements
UK foreign office advice
UK passport advice
EU passport advice for entering the Schengen area (France and Switzerland) from third-country nationals
French Government site rules in English (tip sections expand on +/- buttons)
Pass Vancinal - French government information - Requirements whilst staying in France
Government advice on entering Spain
TRAVEL PROVIDER LINKS - well worth reading
easyjet Covid Hub
British Airways Covid Hub
Eurotunnel Covid Hub
Booking conditions
Link to Enhanced Covid Booking Conditions
*Whilst we will endeavor to provide up-to-date and accurate information, it is entirely your responsibility to check the government website and to be satisfied that you are fully informed. We accept no responsibility for the accuracy of this page or for any consequences of the information given.
*Regardless of the above, our normal booking conditions apply to your holiday including the specific information relating to any implications of Covid-19. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adequately insured for all eventualities.
NEWS ITEM 31/03/2022
France relaxes rules for unvaccinated travelers from UK
France has moved the UK from its orange to green list, meaning that unvaccinated travellers now only have to present a negative Covid test result.
Previously they also had to show a “compelling reason” for their visit and isolate for seven days on arrival.
Now they just need to show a PCR "or Lateral flow" results 72 hours before travel or an antigen test within 48 hours.
The change was announced on Twitter by Guillaume Bazard, the French consul general in London.
The relaxation comes in time for the Easter holidays and makes travel simpler for families with children aged between 12 and 17 who had not been vaccinated.
Furthermore, vaccinated travelers no longer have to submit a “declaration sur l’honneur” (sworn declaration form) confirming a lack of Covid symptoms. They can enter with proof of vaccination alone.